Botanical Extraction

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Application Summary
Botanical Extraction
Botanical extractions is growing with numerous technologies for extraction available on the market.
How It’s Used
Micropump pumps can provide solutions in several stages of the extraction process: solvent, filtration, solvent recovery, or winterization.
Key Feature
Reliability for system uptime, wide temperature ranges, and high volumetric efficiency.
End Equipment
Botanical extraction equipment for the cannabidiol and cannabinoid industry.
Pump Function
Circulation and Transfer
Solvents (Freon, Ethanol,etc) or Non-polar oil extracts
Flow Rate
0.0085 to 13.9 L/min
Temperature Range
-46 to 177 °C (-50 to 350 °F)
Applications Overview
Rely on Micropump to help you optimize your extraction technology to deliver the best in market system for the leading extraction products. Micropump gear pumps answer the botanical extraction industry need for accurate and reliable fluid movement, even in cold temperature applications.
Botanical extraction processing equipment requires several highly efficient pumps to handle various fluids and operate under different parameters. Our team works to optimize your system operation with our technology, putting you in a better position to enable your team to focus on overall development, scaling and adoption of your technology platform.
Micropump pumps not only offer system superiority but also extract purity. Our pumps enable you to streamline systems and eliminate additional system parts, offer chemical inertness to handle numerous fluids with the accurate flow control required, and withstand fluctuating temperatures or environments. Even more, our pumps deliver optimum fluid movement to decrease potential product degradation as it processed by your system platform.
By partnering with us, you can leverage our decades of pump experience to achieve tailored extraction technology for quality of product and more importantly, repeatability and consistency.
Our unique Suction Shoe pumps have replaced continuously failing industry standard pumps with no replacement or repair needed as of 2019.
Our pumps feature high volumetric efficiency to deliver lower speed or friction for less degradation of product.
Our magnetic-drive gear pumps are small. When mounted to a Micropump electromagnetic EagleDrive™, we can offer a very compact pump and drive package.
The Suction Shoe design also provides wire-to-water efficiencies at twice that of the standard cavity style gear pumps of our competitors.
Our Suction Shoe pumps are best-in-class for achieving minimum flow variation from -50°F (-46°C) to 350°F (177°C).
Performance Summary

These charts indicate optimal operating ranges for recommended products.
Micropump Products Optimized for this Application
Micropump suction shoe style magnetic gear pumps are our recommended magnetic gear pumps for botanical extraction applications.
The Micropump Advantage
The unparalleled quality, performance record, reliability and long operating life of Micropump pumps and our extensive engineering expertise make Micropump a vital partner in this demanding market.
Micropump Inc.
1402 NE 136th Avenue
Vancouver, WA 98684-0818 USA